Monday, July 5, 2010

Hari Menukar Tempat Duduk , HAHA !

Okay , as ya'll see that the title is 'hari menukar tempat duduk kan' ? HAHA , yeah .. so here's the story..

After recess , i came up to the class then i saw al the girls like gathering at Amirul Shuhada's place and they were like so damn noisy man ! Then , aku ape lagi .. kelam kabut lah nak tgk ape dorg buat .. HAHA , then i found out that , diorang sbnye tgh bace nota yng Cikgu Suhaimi hantar kat kelas . haha . Mula mula tak tau nota tu pasal ape , then after Rafiqah baca the note kuat kuat ( so , that everyone in the class could hear it ) , well the nota is actually about the s*** that happened to us last week with Cikgu Suhaimi . Well , what that I can remember the most is , in the note .. Cikgu Suhaimi make a few confession , and he asked us to change our ways of sitting in the class .. Die nak all of the students in the class duduk berdua dua and obviously tak berpuak puak ! HAHA , :D so , Rafiqah and Mardiah shows Cikgu Kamsina who entered our class a few minutes later .. and then , suddenlly Cikgu Kamsina asked all of us change our places and again obviously we're not sitting next to our close friends ! Pftt ! That is sucks . Some of them felt very dissatisfied with the way Cikgu Kamsina arrange our places . But , for me .. I am comfortable with it .
I am sitting next to Rafiqah starting from now on .. HAHA :D damnn , shes like very 'alim' you know .. grr , but she still seems like okay to me .. satu kepala jugak :D

But yng kesiannya , my darling Afiqah Haris sits next to Atiqah that is kinda skema , ohh .. she's boring ! HAHA , i know that she is a boring person because i sits next to her in the Lab !! :D hahahah , funny isnt ? haha . But my SUPERMAN ddk paling depan , sebelah Mukhris .. :) and the distance between us just selang satu meja je :D hehe .. cool kan ? YYAYY for me !
Muahahahha !

But , the best part ever is ! Fatin ( my worst enemy ever , i think ) is going to sits next to Farah Farhana which is a very nerdy girl in class , kinda stinky sometimes .. err .. HAHA , well .. ape nak buat kan ? Sape suruh kau tak dtg ! HAHA , aww .. pity you Fatin ! ahhahah ..

Tu lah balasan nye ! ahha , i hope that the teachers tak kan tukar kan lagi tmpt ddk kitorg , im 100% comfortable with my place rght now ! hehe , dah lah tgh tgh , bawah kipas plak tu .. :D cnfrm in the morning , i will ZZZZZZZ , ahha :D

Well , so longg ! bye bloggers ! xxoo <3